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step by step3000第三册unit7答案及原文

2024-07-15 19:04| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Unit 7 Communications (I)

Part I Warming up



1. And British papers report the latest trend when you meet someone in a bar is to get their number, go home, and google them. Yes that gorgeous girl or guy you met the other night is probably patrolling a search engine right now to check you out. So don't even think of trying to tell them you're a famous footballer or brain surgeon or television presenter.

2. The jamming, earlier this month, of several popular Internet sites with

a flood of crippling messages sent a wakeup call to those involved with electronic or e-commerce. One recent suggestion is to form an industry-wide group to share information about security issues. High-tech executives want to make a coordinated effort to ensure that the Internet becomes a safe place to conduct business.

3. Now home to some 800 million pages--a figure that's doubling each year- searching the Internet can be like looking for a needle in a haystack. But Oslo-based Fast Search& Transfer (FAST) has developed a search engine (www. alltheweb, com) capable of scanning more than 200 million pages. FAST is working on a mega-search engine that searches "all the web, all the time."

4. This week, the Intel corporation held its semi-annual Developer Forum

in Palm Springs, California. The gathering draws more than 2,000 hardware and software developers from around the world. Intel executives opened the event with a demonstration of a high-speed chip, code-named "Williamette." The chip, designed to power personal computers, has a speed of one point five gigahertz, making it almost twice as fast as Intel's popular Pentium III chip which runs at 800 megahertz.

5. An online VCR seems like a bright idea but it's been quickly rendered non-functional by the copyright lawyers. Not for the first time, the Hollywood studios objected to re-transmitting network television shows, in this case for users to watch via the web. Programs were being made available for visitors to save remotely or record for subsequent viewing via Windows Media Player.


National Geographic:

n Helping choose the magazine's cover

n Interviewing the photographers

n Showing more pictures

n Providing zip U. S. A.

Hunger Site:

n Helping alleviate world hunger

n Donating contributions to the United Nations World Food Program each

time an individual logs on to the site

n Total value of distributed food: approximately $400,000

Ask Jeeves Site:

n Asking questions in simple English

n Getting direct answers

n Starting year: 1997

n Questions dealt with so far: more than 150 million


1. National Geographic,the magazine, has redesigned its website with some new features. Among them, an opportunity for readers to help choose the magazine's cover, interviews with National Geographic photographers, and lots and lots of pictures. More pictures in fact than there was room for in the print version. There's also Zip U. S. A., the feature you can find both online and in print. It's a focused look at one zip code in the U. S.

2. Now, there's a website created to help alleviate world hunger called the Hunger Site. Contributions, generated when computer users visit the site on the Worldwide Web, are donated to the United Nations World Food Program. "The beauty of the site is that when the web surfer clicks on, they don't pay a penny." This is Abby Spring, a World Food Program official. She says that funds to purchase the food come from corporate donors who make a financial contribution each time an individual logs on

to Hungersite -- that's one word -- dot com. Abby spring says that so far, thanks to Hungersite dot com, the World Food Program has been able to distribute food valued at approximately $400,000.

3. The Ask Jeeves Site on the Internet is one of the most useful Internet sites for asking questions in simple English and getting direct answers. Ask most search engines a question these days and they will return a result which gives thousands of pages for you to search. The Ask Jeeves Site gives you half a dozen where you can find the exact answer. The Ask Jeeves Site owners say they have dealt with more than 150 million questions since Ask Jeeves was set up in 1997. Just this month, people were asking Jeeves the following questions: What are the latest scores for baseball? What is the address of the website for Coca-Cola? Where can I find a list of airfare travel bargains? Tell me the names of the top 20 universities and colleges in the U.S.

Part II New Ways to communicate


1.When a friend is online


3.3,000 can only contact someone (on the same network as you. )using the

same program

5.laugh out loud.


Online / popular / take off / signing up / by / make up

Obvious / one very important disadvantage / bright / voice converstation / swap / funny

When you meet someone for the first time,do you ask their ASL? Do you LOL if they come out with something funny, and say CU L8er when you finish the conversation? If you know what I’m talking about, then you are probably already a user of instant messaging, or IM.

The idea behind IM is simple. A program on your computer tells you when a friend is online. You can then send a message to your friend, who can type a reply instantly. To do this, you need an IM program. Worldwide, AIM, the instant messaging service provided by AOL, is by far the most popular. It has 195 million users who send about 1.6 billion messages every day. ICQ, which is owned by AOL, has about 140 million messengers, and MSN and Windows IM make up about 75 million users.

The advantage over e-mail is that with instant messaging you know you’re likely to get a reply. IM is already hugely popular in the USA,

where people spend five times more time online than in Europe. However, IM is starting to take off in the UK, with over 3,000 people signing up to MSN Messenger alone every day.

While the plus points of IM are obvious, there is one very important disadvantage: you can only contact someone on the same network as you. If your friend is using AIM, and you are using MSN, you cannot talk to each other. This makes IM less useful than it should be. Imagine if you couldn’t send an e-mail form hotmail to yahoo. However, things look like they’ll change soon.

In general, the future looks bright for IM. Lots of programs also allow you to have voice conversations, video conferencing ---- this means you can see the other person using a webcam ---- and also let you swap pictures, music and other files.

So, perhaps we’ll all soon be asking someone’s age, sex and location (ASL), and laughing out loud (LOL) when they say something funny. See you later (CU L8er).


How do you meet new people, make new friends, or find out about the latest bands? Here in the UK young people have traditionally done their socializing in bars, pubs and clubs.

However there is a new generation growing up that finds it easier to

manage their social lives on the net, using free websites like MySpace, Bebo or MSN Spaces.

Welcome to the social networking website ---- a place where you can present yourself to the digital community and meet other like-minded people.

The most successful social networking website in the UK is as of July 2006, MySpace is the world’s fourth most popular English-language website, attracting almost 3 million visitors per month. Myspace claims to have 95 million members with 500,000 new members joining the community each week.

So how has it become to successful? Perhaps its secret is in its simplicity.Each new member can build their own page simply --- uploading photos, videos and MP3 files. Then they describe themselves, listing their likes, dislikes, favorite bands, relationship status, etc. it’s an easy way to hook up with people who share your interest.

Briana Dougherty, a 25-year-old MySpace devotee, told us, “It’s a casual way to stay in contact without appearing weird. ”it seems that many people do not feel comfortable giving out their phone number or personal e-mail address to new acquaintances but are perfectly happy to trade MySpace profiles

While socializing is the key to MySpace’s success, love of music is at the heart of the community. Indeed, most aspiring musicians in the UK

upload their songs to the site, and with good reason: unsigned artists, Arctic Monkeys and Lilly Allen created such a buzz on the site that they were offered recording contracts and scored number one hits.

Social network sites could be a great place to practice your English. Why not give it a try? You can tell us about your experience by filing in the new comments form at the top of the screen.


1.Most young people in the UK make new friends at work.

2.Yahoo and Google are social networking sites.

3.MySpace is one of the top five English-language website.

4.New brands put their music on the web for people to listen to.

5.Users of social networks usually pay for the service.

Part III Digital McLuhan


Marshall McLuhan, a communications expert from Canada, never touched a personal computer.But his research on the media and their effect on people and society remains relevant today. He was the first thinker to really look at television as something that had a serious impact upon our society. Although he was writing about television, an enormous amount of what he said has even more applicability to the Internet age.

He said that television was turning the world into a global village. And the notion of village becomes much more meaningful and real in our digital age. He saw a time when everyone would be a publisher with the help of the Xerox machine, and now the web is even expanding and amplifying that.


I Interviewer L -- Paul Levinson

Marshall McLuhan, a communications expert from Canada, never touched a personal computer. He died in 1979. But his research on the media and their effect on people and society remains relevant today. Paul Levinson, an American high-tech expert knew Professor McLuhan, and discusses his impact in a volume entitled Digital McLuhan: A Guide to the Information Millennium.

I. Mr. Levinson, why is Marshall McLuhan such an important figure? L. Well, he did his writing in the 1950s,1960s and 1970s. And those decades, of course, were the first years of television. And he was the first thinker to really look at television as something that had a serious impact upon our society. Interestingly, although he was writing about television, an enormous amount of what he said has even more applicability to the Internet age. For example, he said that television was turning the world into a global village. What he meant by that is when everyone watches the same thing on the television screen, that group that's watching that

television program is a community of sorts. It's like the people in a village all hearing and seeing the same thing. In contrast, now in the 1990s, as we move into the new millennium, when people communicate on the web, and through the Internet, they are not only doing and hearing and seeing the same thing, they are also participating, communicating among each other. And so, the notion of village becomes much more meaningful and real in our digital age.

I. TV was a... or is a one-way medium, whereas the Internet is a ... is two-way.

L.. That's right. There is a crucial difference right there. Most media in the 20th century, in fact all the major media of the 20th century radio, motion pictures, television --were and are like newspapers and books, one-way media. The telephone, which of course was invented in 1876, is a two-way medium. But, it's a two-way personal medium. There is nothing public, or there shouldn't be much public about a telephone conversation. What makes the Internet so different is that it is public but it is also interactive and two-way.

I. Marshall McLuhan saw a time when everyone would be a publisher. He was referring to the Xerox machine, the copying machine. Today, we have the Internet which makes everybody an editor, and ... or makes everybody a publisher but not an editor. Isn't this a problem when everybody is a publisher but there is no editor around?

L. The traditional value of the editor is to, in some way, stipulate and vouch for the quality of the publication of the production. So yes, there is a concern that when anyone can put anything on a web page, you know, there is no safeguard for the quality. But, on the other hand, and there is always another hand, I think the reason why McLuhan celebrated first the Xerox, allowing every author to be a publisher, and why I'm now so pleased that the web is even expanding and amplifying that, is ... there is also the danger of editors keeping out of the mix things that are good. What the web does is it removes the middle man and allows the creator to communicate directly with his or her audience and on balance I think that's a good thing. There will be more drivel available. But, there'll also be more gems that would otherwise be hidden from public view.

Part IV Technical Jargon







6.The technology industry


1.what do millions of British people do every week?

2.What is Nielsen / NetRatings?

3.What is the growing trend for new technological jargon?


Age, sex and location

Laugh out loud

See you later

A pocker-sized device used to play music files

Really Simple Syndication

Wireless fidelity

Personal digital assistant


Personal video recorder

To read, write, or edit a shared online journal

To deliver a Web-based audio broadcast via an RSS feed over the Internet to subscribers

To seek on line.

Every week millions of Britons use computers to access the Internet but how many of them actually know their ipods form their IMs? Not many it seems. A recent survey from Nielsen / NetRatings --- a global

Internet, media and market research company --- shows that while the British are crazy about buying and owning new technology they’re not so keen to keep up with the ever-changing jargon of 21st century technology. According to Nielsen / NetRatings, people love having cutting-edge technology but often don’t understand the terms that describe what their devices actually do.

For example, 40% of online Britons receive news feeds but 67% don’t know that the official term for this service is Really Simple Syndication. Terms like WiFi and PDA are still meaningless to more than 30% of the British public who regularly work or surf online.

Acronyms in particular bamboozle users. 75% of online Britons don’t know that VOD stands for video-on-demand, while 68% are unaware that personal video recorders are more commonly referred to as PVRs. Millions of people keep in touch via instant messaging but 57% of online Brits said they didn’t know that the acronym for it was IM.

Alex Burmaster, an Internet analyst with Nielsen / NetRatings commented “the technology industry is perhaps the most guilty of all industries when it comes to love of acronyms. There is a certain level of knowledge snobbery. If you talk in acronyms you sound like you really know what you are talking about and i f others don’t understand than they are seen in some way as inferior.”

This study shows that many people don’t completely understand much

of the new technological jargon but things are slowly changing. Words such as “blogging”and “podcasting”are now used and understood by enough people for these terms to have made it into the most recently published dictionaries in Britain .


—-可编辑修改,可打印—— 别找了你想要的都有! 精品教育资料——全册教案,,试卷,教学课件,教学设计等一站式服务——

全力满足教学需求,真实规划教学环节 最新全面教学资源,打造完美教学模式 新概念英语第三册课文 Lesson1 A puma at large Pumas are large, cat-like animals which are found in America. When reports came into London Zoo that a wild puma had been spotted forty-five miles south of London, they were not taken seriously. However, as the evidence began to accumulate, experts from the Zoo felt obliged to investigate, for the descriptions given by people who claimed to have seen the puma were extraordinarily similar. The hunt for the puma began in a small village where a woman picking blackberries saw 'a large cat' only five yards away from her. It immediately ran away when she saw it, and experts confirmed that a puma will not attack a human being unless it is cornered(adj.被困得走投无路的). The search proved difficult, for the puma was often observed at one place in the morning and at another place twenty miles away in the evening. Wherever it went, it left behind it a trail of dead deer and small animals like rabbits. Paw prints were seen in a number of places and puma fur was found clinging to bushes. Several people


工程造价管理试题及答 案 Standardization of sany group #QS8QHH-HHGX8Q8-GNHHJ8-HHMHGN#

工程造价管理试题及答案 单选 1、工程造价的两种管理是指( B )。 A 建设工程投资费用管理和工程造价计价依据管理 B 建设工程投资费用管理和工程价格管理 C 工程价格管理和工程造价专业队伍建设管理 D 工程造价管理和工程造价计价依据管理 2、进口设备运杂费中运输费的运输区间是指( C )。 A 出口国供货地至进口国边境港口或车站 B 出口国的边境港口或车站至进口国的边境 港口或车站C 进口国的边境港口或车站至工地仓库D 出口国的边境港口或车站至工地仓库 3、某个新建项目,建设期为3年,分年均衡进行贷款,第一年贷款400万元,第二年贷款 500万元,第三年贷款400万元,贷款年利率为10%,建设期内利息只计息不支付,则建设期贷款利息为( A )万元。 A 205.7 B 356.27 C 521.897 D 435.14 4、已知某挖土机挖土的一个工作循环需2分钟,每循环一次挖土0.5m3,工作班的延续时间为8小时,时间利用系数K=0.85,则每台班产量定额为( C )。 A 12.8 m3/台班 B 15 m3/台班 C 102 m3/台班 D 120 m3/台班 5、某项目总投资为3000万元,单项工程总费用为1800万元,建筑单位工程费用为700万元,建设单位管理费率为2.4%,则建设单位管理费为( B )万元。 A 72 B 43.2 C 28.8 D 16.8 6、工程定额计价法计算建安工程造价由( D )组成。 A 直接工程费、间接费、利润、增值税 B 直接费、间接费、利润、营业税 C 直接工程费、间接费、利润、营业税 D 直接费、间接费、利润、税金 7、工程量清单计价规范中门窗工程量按( C )计算。 A 框外围平方米 B 洞口平方米 C 樘 D 数量 8、建设项目可行性研究报告的主要内容是( C )。 A 市场研究、技术研究和风险预测研究 B 经济研究、技术研究和综合研究 C 市场研究、技术研究和效益研究 D 经济研究、技术研究和资源研究 9、项目可行性研究阶段的投资估算,是( C )的重要依据。 A 主管部门审批项目建议书 B建设贷款计划 C项目投资决策 D 项目资金筹措 10、当初步设计达到一定深度,建筑结构比较明确时,编织建筑工程概算可以采用( C )。 A 单位工程指标法 B 概算指标法 C 概算定额法 D 类似工程概算法 11、审查施工图预算的方法很多,其中全面、细致、质量高的方法是( C )。 A 分组计算审查法 B 对比法 C 全面审查法 D 筛选法 12、根据《招标投标法》,两个以上法人或者其他组织组成一个联合体,以一个投标人的身份共同投标是( A )。 A 联合投标 B 共同投标 C 合作投标 D 协作投标 13、在采用成本加酬金合同价时,为了有效地控制工程造价,下列形式中最好采用( D )。 A 成本加固定金额酬金 B 成本加固定百分比酬金 C 成本加最低酬金 D 最高限额成本加固定最大酬金 14、根据合同文本,工程变更价款通常由( C )提出,报()批准。 A 工程师、业主 B 承包商、业主 C 承包商、工程师 D 业主、承包商 15、竣工决算的计量单位是( A )。 A 实物数量和货币指标 B 建设费用和建设成果 C 固定资产价值、流动资产价值、无形 资产价值、递延和其他资产价值 D 建设工期和各种技术经济指标

小学六年级课外阅读训练题 冬日暖阳

冬霜暖阳 ①上午,我坐在客厅的日影里,剥平包菜,一片一片撕碎,放到洗菜盆里……做这些零碎琐屑的事,一屋子都是安宁……因为专心,无杂念,情绪也随之平和。宛如一些美好的时光,因为短暂,让人贪恋。把平包菜撕完,日影移走——大概因小区前面起了三四十层的高楼,冬天的日光贵重,但凡投罩下来,必然暖融融的,所以美好。 ②儿时,我们村里老人集体坐在背风的草堆旁,无别事,也就为晒晒太阳,老蓝布对襟褂子,黑裤黑鞋,双手笼在袖子里,缩脖,垂头,发丝不乱,一齐在阳光里打盹,他们脸上的皱纹深如沟壑。不知他们在日光下想些什么,但,那一刻是安宁的。 ③一年里也没有多少次机会,可以望见蓝天了。 ④近来冷空气过境,把天洗了一遍,天蓝得有一份失而复得的贵重。常年的失眠纠缠,让人感叹青春岁月一去不还。医生建议,唯锻炼,方能缓解一二。于是,清早买菜,特意拐弯去屋后的荒坡走了走。 ⑤荒坡上的枯草仍有霜迹,寒光凛凛,踩上去格外清脆。水渠里倒伏的莽草身上,霜意犹深,迎着光,直刺人眼。这些自然界中的东西,比如雾呀,霜呀,总是招人喜爱。 ⑥小时候特别喜欢下雾天,白茫茫,一个人走在上学路上,前后均不见人,到了学校,头发能拎出水。我妈妈每次去一个叫作“横埠河”的集

镇买柴,总是有雾的天气。站在村口,我望着她去时的方向,渐渐地,渐渐地,茫茫白雾里,一个妇女挑柴的身影终于显现出来,她把一担柴来回换着肩,一点一点地出现在圩埂上……我总是幻想,她或许会带一根油条回来,或许别的好吃的呢,总会有的吧。我站在原地,仿佛胜券在握。 ⑦只是,每次都落空。也不介意,至少望着她一点点自白雾里现身——那么漫长的等待过程,我起码是快乐的,充满着企盼和渴念的。 ⑧后来,长大了,才明白过来——人最幸福的,是期盼的过程,得到与失去,并无两样。。有时,更甚至,失去未必比得到更沮丧。失去,可以让灵魂痛苦;得到时的狂喜,永远那么浅薄轻飘,不值一提。生命只有在一次次失去时的煎熬里,才会慢慢强大无摧。 ⑨失败也是升华,如浊浪淘沙,日日年年,总有一天成就你珍珠或者金子,只要自己不先撒手放弃。 ⑩所以,一直喜欢雾天,天地同白,湿了山川草木,以及行走其中的人。如今,雾已难见,雾霾常有。幸而还有霜,让我魂牵梦绕。 (11)相比雾来说,霜更美,满身寒气,萧杀而来,又呼啸而去。小时候村庄里每一户人家的鱼鳞瓦,都是霜的同谋。童年,每到严冬,屋头上皑皑一片浅白,不是雪,是霜。泡桐树被冻僵了,生在原地一动不动。在日光下,唯有霜是跳跃的,麻雀一样忽东忽西。最疼爱的事情是,不小心掉在地上的稻草,被霜上上下下里里外外裹起来,呵护备至——你说霜为何这么疼惜掉在地上的一根稻草呢?夜里,一根稻草独自躺在地上,孤


CANoe 入门Step by step系列(一)基础应用 CANoe是Vector公司的针对汽车电子行业的总线分析工具,现在我用CANoe7.6版本进行介绍,其他版本功能基本差不多。 硬件我使用的是CAN case XL. 1,CANoe软件的安装很简单,先装驱动,再装软件。安装完成,插上USB,连接硬件,这样在控制面板中,Vector Hardware(硬件)进行查看 通过查看信息可知,CANcaseXL中的两个piggy,一个是251(高速CAN),一个是7269(LIN),另外常用的还有1054(低速CAN,或称容错CAN),因为CANcaseXL(can情况XL最大)中只能支持两路通讯,这样piggy可以自由组合 2,硬件连接正常,打开CANoe软件 File->New Configuration(新配置)可以选择新建工程的模版,我们这里选择 CAN_500kBaud.tcn,这样新建了波特率为500K CAN工程,可以File->Save Configuration (保存配置),进行保存 3,接下来就要使用CAN db++ Editor(编辑)工具对总线网络节点,消息,信号,进行定义了。 点击工具栏的这个图标,或开始菜单中找这个工具启动 启动后,File(文件)->Create Database(创建数据),选择CANTemplate.dbc(模板),选择目录及文件名,进行保存

右键Network nodes(网络节点)->New(新的),进行网络节点的定义,这里只需要填写Name(名字)即可,例如:Node_A(节点A) 然后添加Node_B(节点B),完成后如下图,这样在Network nodes(网络节点)目录下面添加出来两个节点 节点添加完成后,下一步添加CAN消息,右键Messages(信息)->New(新的),这是需要定义名称,ID(身份证件),DLC(数据链路控制)等信息,如下:


新概念第三册课文翻译及学习笔记:Lesson3 【课文】 Listen to the tape then answer the question below. 听录音,然后回答以下问题。 How did the archaeologists know that the statue was a goddess? Some time ago, an interesting discovery was made by archaeologists on the Aegean island of Kea. An American team explored a temple which stands in an ancient city on the promontory of Ayia Irini. The city at one time must have been prosperous, for it enjoyed a high level of civilization. Houses -- often three storeys high -- were built of stone. They had large rooms with beautifully decorated walls. The city was even equipped with a drainage system, for a great many clay pipes were found beneath the narrow streets. The temple which the archaeologists explored was used as a place of worship from the fifteenth century B.C. until Roman times. In the most sacred room of temple, clay fragments of fifteen statues were found. Each of these represented a goddess and had, at one time, been painted. The body of one statue was found among remains dating from the fifteenth century B.C. Its missing head happened to be among remains of the fifth century B.C. This head must have been found in Classical times and carefully preserved. It was very old and precious even then. When the archaeologists reconstructed the fragments, they were amazed to find that the goddess turned out to be a very modern-looking woman. She stood three feet high and her hands rested on her hips. She was wearing a full-length skirt which swept


湖北第二师范学院继续教育学院2010—2011学年第二学期期中考试《建筑工程造价管理》课程考试试卷(B卷) 教学部门:年级专业: 学生姓名:学号: 考试方式:(开卷、闭卷)……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 一、单项选择题(每小题2分,共16分) 1 下列不是工程造价管理的特点是(D) A 时效性 B 公正性 C 规范性 D 不准确性 2 设一次贷款本金为300万元,采用单利的模式计算利息,年利率是百分之六,经过五年后的本 利之和为(C)万元 A 300 B 350 C 390 D 400 3 工程量的计算单位中,以体积计算时,它的单位为(A) A 立方米 B 立方厘米 C 立方毫米 D 英尺 3 已知产量定额是10单位,那么时间定额是(D) A 10 B 0.5 C 1 D 0.1 4 已知一个零件的制作需要经过两个工序,第一个工序的时间定额是1工日,第二个工序的时间定额是4工日,那么这个零件的产量定额是(C) A 5 B 4 C 0.2 D 0.1 5 某投资香米在建设初期一次性投入100万元,经营期为10年,投产后每年可以获得净现金流量为10万,那么该项目的年现金系数为(C) A 10 B 1000 C 10 D 100 6 PI的含义是(C) A 利润 B 资金流量 C 现金指数 D 毛利 应该(A) 7 当项目盈利时,CI CO A 大于0 B 大于等于0 C 小于0 D 等于0 8 某项目的报告期综合人工单价为10,参照工程综合人工单价是8,那么人工费调整系数为(B) A 0.1 B 0.25 C 25 D 10


新部编版六年级语文下册短文阅读专项训练 一、课外阅读。 蚂蚁是世界上分布最广、数量最多的生物之一它们的足迹几乎遍布世界任何一个角落。我曾仔细观察过这种神奇的小动物发现它有一套简单、实用的生存哲学。正是这一套哲学让蚂蚁家族永远繁荣昌盛、生生不息。我管这套哲学叫蚂蚁四重奏。 第一重:永不放弃。如果我们试图挡住一只蚂蚁的去路,它会立刻寻找另一条路,__________翻过或钻过障碍物,__________绕道而行。总之,不达目的不罢休。第二重:未雨绸缪。整个夏天蚂蚁都在为遥远的冬天做准备。刚一入夏,蚂蚁就开始储备冬天的食物。这样在万物凋敝的冬季,蚂蚁同样可以丰衣足食。第三重:满怀期待。整个冬天蚂蚁都憧憬着夏天。在严冬中,蚂蚁们时刻提醒自己严寒就要过去了,温暖舒适的日子很快就会到来。__________是少有的冬日暖阳,__________会吸引蚂蚁们倾巢而出,在阳光下活动活动筋骨。一旦寒流袭来,它们立刻躲回温暖的巢穴,等待下一个艳阳天的召唤。第四重:竭尽所能。一只蚂蚁能在夏天为冬天做多少准备?答案是,全力以赴地工作。小小的蚂蚁给我们上了一堂多么生动的哲学课啊。它用实际行动告诉我们:永不放弃、未雨绸缪、满怀期待、竭尽所能才是成功的秘诀。 1.在文字横线处填上合适的关联词语。 2.联系上下文理解“未雨绸缪”这个成语,再列举生活中一个这样的事例。未雨绸缪:________ 事例:________ 3.小蚂蚁告诉我们成功的秘诀是什么? _______________________________________________ 4.读到“万物凋敝”这个词语你的眼前出现了一幅怎样的景物?请写一段来描述。 _______________________________________________ 5.世界万物都充满了灵性,给我们生活许多启迪,作者从小蚂蚁身上发现了成功的秘诀,在我们学过的课文中,也有不少的作者有这样的发现,请你列举出


s t e p b y s t e p第二册到答案解析和原文 公司内部档案编码:[OPPTR-OPPT28-OPPTL98-OPPNN08]

Unit 1 Part I - A 87, 80, 53, 48, 24, 17 Script: The Porter Family Mr William Porter is very old. He is 87. And Mrs Catherine Porter is 80. Mr Porter is from Wales. John Porter and Mary are brother and sister. John Porter is 53 and he is a lawyer. His wife Susan is 48, and she is an architect. James Porter and Joan Lee are cousins. James Porter is 24 and Joan Lee is 17. Part I - B 1.spending special time together. 2.specific, complain, request, praise. 3.fatigue, insecurities, foxhole, striking out , protect. 4.distant 5.all marriages, Work together o understand 6.Respect, danger, professional, physical, verbal 7.Understand, win


某工程项目发包人与承包人签订了施工合同,工期4个月,工程内容包括A、B两项分项工程,综合单价分别为360.00元/m3、220.00元/m3;管理费和利润为人材机费用之和的16%;规费和税金为人材机费用、管理费和利润之和的10%,各分项工程每月计划和实际完成工程量及单价措施项目费用见表5.1。 表5.1 分项工程工程量及单价措施项目费用数据表 总价措施项目费用6万元(其中安全文明施工费3.6万元);暂列金额15万元。 合同中有关工程价款结算与支付约定如下: 1、开工日10天前,发包人应向承包人支付合同价款(扣除暂列金额和安全文明施工费)的20%作为工程预付款,工程预付款在第 2、3个月的工程价款中平均扣回); 2、开工后10日内,发包人应向承包人支付安全文明施工费的60%,剩余部分和其它总价措施项目费用在第2、3个月平均支付; 3、发包人按每月承包人应得工程进度款的90%支付;

4、当分项工程工程量增加(或减少)幅度超过15%时,应调整综合单价,调整系数为0.9(或1.1);措施项目费按无变化考虑; 5、B分项工程所用的两种材料采用动态结算方法结算,该两种材料在B分项工程费用中所占比例分别为12%和10%,基期价格指数均为100。施工期间,经监理工程师核实及发包人确认的有关事项如下: 1、第二个月发生现场计日工的人材机费用6.8万元; 2、第四个月B分项工程动态结算的两种材料价格指数分别为110和120。 问题: 1、该工程合同价为多少万元?工程预付款为多少万元? 2.第2个月发包人应支付给承包人的工程价款为多少万元? 3、到第三个月末B分项工程的进度偏差为多少万元? 4、第四个月A、B两项分项工程的工程价款各位多少万元?发包人在该月应支付给承包人的工程价款为多少万元? 答案: 1、合同价[(360×1000+220×700)/10000+7+6+15]×(1+10%)=87.34万元 工程预付款[(360×1000+220×700)/10000+7+6-3.6]×(1+10%)×20%=13.376万元 2、第2、3月支付措施费=(6-3.6×60%)/2=1.92万元


部编版四年级语文下册第三单元测试卷 一、看拼音,写词语。(8分) bái huàmàn mièténg luózhāo xiá píng zi xiùhuāméng lóng fán xīng 二、选字组词。(6分) [挥辉晖] 光( ) 指( ) 余( ) [徉洋羊] ( )群徜( ) 海( ) [炫眩舷] 目( ) ( )彩船( ) 三、照样子,写词语。(7分) 1.例:绿浅绿墨绿淡绿 红 ______________________________________________________ 黄 _____________________________________________________ 2.例:毛茸茸 _______________ _______________ ______________ 四、在括号里填上合适的词语。(6分) ()的回忆()的枝头()的流苏()的金晖()的雪花()的树枝 五、给下列句子中的加点词换个说法。(4分) 1.炫耀 ..着新绿的小草,一下子洗净了污垢。() 2.在朦胧的寂静 ..中,玉立着这棵白桦。() 3.白桦四周徜徉 ..着姗姗来迟的朝霞。()

4.不再胆怯 ..的小白菊,慢慢地抬起它们的头。() 六、选词填空。(6分) 炫耀夸耀夸奖 1.孔雀常常在其他动物面前( )自己的美丽。 2.小明受到了老师的( ),心里非常高兴。 3.王阿姨总是喜欢在别人面前( )自己的儿子。 寂静安静平静 4.老师来了,教室里立刻( )下来。 5.一丝风也没有,湖面( )得像一面镜子。 6.冬天的夜晚,山村里( )得很。 七、判断下列句子所运用的修辞手法。(4分) 1.突然一阵风,好像舞蹈教练在指挥,所有的绿就整齐地按着节拍飘动在起……() 2.在我的窗前,有一棵白桦,仿佛涂上银霜,披了一身雪花。() 3.哪一颗星没有光?哪一朵花没有香?哪一次我的思潮里没有你波涛的清响?() 4.不再胆怯的小白菊,慢慢地抬起它们的头。() 八、填一填。(6分) 1.诗和__________________一样,生命全在___________________。 2.诗是人类向未来寄发的___________________,诗给人类以朝向理想的_______________________________。 3.诗是______________的自然流露,它源于__________________的情感。 九、按顺序重新整理下列句子,在括号内填上序号,使短文前后连贯有序。(5分)


STEP BY STEP 第一册词汇 UNIT 1 Part1: chime vt.& vi. 敲出和谐的乐声;报时;机械地重复;合节奏 n.合奏钟声,钟乐;谐音,韵律;和谐;[航]甲板上的沟 millennium n. 一千年;千年期;千禧年;全人类未来的幸福时代 prospective adj. 预期的;未来的;可能的;有希望的gala n. 节日;庆祝 adj. 节日的;欢乐的 count down 倒数到零或规定的时间 fanfare n. 喧耀;号角齐鸣 Kiribati n. 基里巴斯(西太平洋上一共和国) Vietnam 越南 Hanoi 河内(越南首都) Bangkok 曼谷(泰国首都) Egypt 埃及 Part2: install vt.安装;安顿,安置;任命;使…正式就职observatory n. 天文台;气象台;瞭望台revive vt. 使复活,使恢复;使振奋,复原;使再生,使重新流行;唤醒,唤起 vi. 复苏,恢复;振作,恢复;再生,重新流行;再生效力 sweep vt. 打扫,清理;扫除;彻底搜索;掠过 vi. 打扫;扫过;蜿蜒;大范围伸展 n. 打扫;延伸;挥动;全胜viable adj. 切实可行的;能养活的;能自行生产发育的;有望实现的 hoist vt. 升起,提起 vi. 被举起或抬高 n. 起重机,升降机;升起;推,托,举 gravity n. 重力;万有引力,地心引力;重要性,严重性;严肃,庄重 mechanism n.[生]机制,机能,[乐]机理;(机械)结构, 机械装置[作用],(故事的)结构;[艺]手法,技巧,途径;机械作用 alumi num n. 铝 flavor n. 味;韵味;特点;香料 vt.给…调味;给…增添风趣 sponsor n. 发起者,主办者;担保者;倡议者,提案人;后援组织 vt. 赞助 Greenwich n. 格林威治(位于英国伦敦东南部,为本初子午线所经之地,原设有英国皇家格林威治天文台),格林威治镇(位于美国康涅狄格州)Miami n. 迈阿密(美国佛罗里州达东南部港市) Atlanta n. 亚特兰大(美国佐治亚州首府)Part3: hesitate vi. 犹豫,踌躇;不愿;支吾;停顿 vt.对…犹豫;不情愿 era n. 纪元,年代;历史时期,时代;重大事件lexicographer


新概念英语第三册 Lesson1 A puma at large Pumas are large, cat-like animals which are found in America. When reports came into London Zoo that a wild puma had been spotted forty-five miles south of London, they were not taken seriously. However, as the evidence began to accumulate, experts from the Zoo felt obliged to investigate, for the descriptions given by people who claimed to have seen the puma were extraordinarily similar. The hunt for the puma began in a small village where a woman picking blackberries saw 'a large cat' only five yards away from her. It immediately ran away when she saw it, and experts confirmed that a puma will not attack a human being unless it is cornered(adj.被困得走投无路的). The search proved difficult, for the puma was often observed at one place in the morning and at another place twenty miles away in the evening. Wherever it went, it left behind it a trail of dead deer and small animals like rabbits. Paw prints were seen in a number of places and puma fur was found clinging to bushes. Several people complained of 'cat-like noises' at night and a businessman on a fishing trip saw the puma up a tree. The experts were now fully convinced that the animal was a puma, but where had it come from ? As no pumas had been reported missing from any zoo in the country, this one must have been in the possession of a private collector and somehow managed to escape. The hunt went on for several weeks, but the puma was not caught. It is disturbing to think that a dangerous wild animal is still at large in the quiet countryside. 美洲狮是一种体形似猫的大动物,产于美洲。当伦敦动物园接到报告说,在伦敦以南45英里处发现一只美洲狮时,这些报告并没有受到重视。可是,随着证据越来越多,动物园的专家们感到有必要进行一番调查,因为凡是声称见到过美洲狮的人们所描述的情况竟是出奇地相似。 搜寻美洲狮的工作是从一座小村庄开始的。那里的一位妇女在采摘黑莓时的看见“一只大猫”,离她仅5码远,她刚看见它,它就立刻逃走了。专家证实,美洲狮非被逼得走投无路,是决不会伤人的。事实上搜寻工作很困难,因为常常是早晨在甲地发现那只美洲狮,晚上却在20英里外的乙地发现它的踪迹。无论它走哪儿,一路上总会留下一串死鹿及死兔子之类的小动物,在许多地方看见爪印,灌木丛中发现了粘在上面的美洲狮毛。有人抱怨说夜里听见“像猫一样的叫声”;一位商人去钓鱼,看见那只美洲狮在树上。专家们如今已经完全肯定那只动物就是美洲狮,但它是从哪儿来的呢?由于全国动物园没有一家报告丢了美洲狮,因此那只美洲狮一定是某位私人收藏豢养的,不知怎么设法逃出来了。搜寻工作进行了好几个星期,但始终未能逮住那只美洲狮。想到在宁静的乡村里有一头危险的野兽继续逍遥流窜,真令人担心。 Lesson 2 Thirteen equals one Our vicar is always raising money for one cause or another, but he has never managed to get enough money to have the church clock repaired. The big clock which used to strike the hours day and night was damaged many years ago and has been silent ever since. ' One night, however, our vicar woke up with a start: the clock was striking the hours! Looking at his watch, he saw that it was one o'clock, but the bell struck thirteen times before it stopped. Armed with a torch, the vicar went up into the clock tower to see what was going on. In the torchlight, he caught sight of a figure whom he immediately recognized as Bill Wilkins, our local grocer. 'Whatever are you doing up here Bill ?' asked the vicar in surprise. ' I'm trying to repair the bell,' answered Bill.' I've been coming up here night after night for weeks now. You see, I was hoping to give you a surprise.' 'You certainly did give me a surprise!' said the vicar. 'You've probably woken up everyone in the village as well. Still, I'm glad the bell is working again.' 'That's the trouble, vicar,' answered Bill. 'It's working all right, but I'm afraid that at one o'clock it will strike thirteen times and there's nothing I can do about it.' 'We'll get used to that Bill,' said the vicar. 'Thirteen is not as good as one but it's better than nothing. Now let's go downstairs and have a cup of tea.' 我们教区的牧师总是为各种各样的事筹集资金。但始终未能筹足资金把教堂的钟修好。教堂的钟很大,以前不分昼夜打点报时,但很多年前遭到毁坏,从此便无声无息了。 一天夜里,我们的牧师突然被惊醒了,大钟又在“打点”报时了!他一看表,才1点钟,可是那钟一边敲了13下才停。牧师拿着一


冬日暖阳阅读答案-工作总结范文 篇一:冬日暖阳阅读及答案 《冬日暖阳》阅读及答案 ①冬天风大,摇着树的影子。我看见了三十年前的我,和同学们挤在学校前的一面土墙上,用后背在砖块上蹭痒痒。昏黄的阳光笼罩大地。 ②操场一角有一位老人,戴绒线帽,穿黑色棉袄。他用红薯糖做糖塑,卖五分钱一只。一只火炉,火炉上一只铝锅,加热后的红薯糖,像柔软的琥珀,温润光泽。老人拿一只小勺,舀一勺糖,他抖动手腕,液体的糖从小勺中流出,流到铁砧上,铁砧上有一只竹片。围绕这只竹片,掌勺的手,时而浓墨重彩,时而惜墨如金。 ③竹片拿到手里,上端的糖塑栩栩如生,晶莹剔透。要么是花脸典韦,要么是手提哨棒的武松。这是位民间高人,他稔熟四大名著里的形象,用糖来一一勾勒。糖塑再好,无奈舌头贪婪,昔日英雄,几分钟后,终将在舌尖上落难。 ④一群孩子簇拥在周围,高举手中的五分钱。我挤在其中。突然,身后有人清晰地叫了一声:“查一路,你没有爸爸!”回身一看,竟是我的同桌,我踩了他的脚尖,没容我解释,他已经拔剑出鞘了。一下,就击中了我。 ⑤是的,这年的秋天,我父亲死了。这是我的疼痛和短处。我成绩优异,品行端正,长相清秀,老师喜欢。可是我没有父亲。我羡慕那些有父亲的同学,他们的父亲大都是农民,高大剽悍,孔武有力。扛着锄头在教室外巡视,透过破窗向教室里偷看,用目光打压他人,呵护儿子。 ⑥待在那里,我试图抓住什么来抵御内心的疼痛。我没有哭,因为我没有哭的习惯。但无力反击,因为说不出话来。这年我才八岁。 ⑦老人做出了激烈的反应。他用小勺敲打着锅沿,又用小勺指着我的同桌,大声呵斥:“臭小子,这么小就知道往人心窝里捅刀子,不要想吃我的糖塑,你滚一边去!”他最终没有给我的同桌糖塑。 ⑧轮到我时,他递给我两只。举起其中一只,是举棒的悟空。这只很大,悟空刚劲神武,一棒冲天,横扫阴霾,是送给我的。放学的路上,我把它举起来,对着太阳。阳光透过糖塑照过来,深红的,暖暖的。我看了很久,风很大,人并不觉得冷。


Unit 9 Part I A 1. 60,000 / 8.75 2. 452 / 8.3 3. 100,000 / 8.6 4. 8.9 / 2,990 5. 1,530 6. 12, 000 / 5.8 7. 7.1 / 12,230 8. 7.5 / 22,778 9. 6.8 / 25,000 10.6.7 / 50,000 11.9.0 / 300,000 12.69,197 / 18,341 B: 1. Ice, snow, earth, rock / the side of a mountain 2. a slow-moving mudflow 3. the sudden release / waves of shaking 4. system of winds / about 30 to 50 kilometers an hour 5. 64 knows or 74 miles per hour / in the western Atlantic Ocean

10. A violent destructive whirling wind / of short duration 11. 74 mph / in the Pacific Ocean 12. A period of dryness / prevents their successful growth 13. A body of water / normally dry land 14. a wildfire or an uncontrolled fire Suicide bomber C 10.6.8 a bomb explosion in Algiers / in a market area 10.6.9 ocean storm / the Pacific coast of Mexico 10.6.10 the cause of a crash of a passenger p lane / All 143 people / Wednesday 10.6.11 Austrians / the 38 people / at ski area 10.6.12 the hijacker / released his remaining hostages and surrendered to police 10.6.13 Japanese / the nuclear reaction / has stopped 10.6.14 victims of a train accident / 189 / Thursday / 250


Lesson1 A puma at large Pumas are large, cat-like animals which are found in America. When reports came into London Zoo that a wild puma had been spotted forty-five miles south of London, they were not taken seriously. However, as the evidence began to accumulate, experts from the Zoo felt obliged to investigate, for the descriptions given by people who claimed to have seen the puma were extraordinarily similar. The hunt for the puma began in a small village where a woman picking blackberries saw 'a large cat' only five yards away from her. It immediately ran away when she saw it, and experts confirmed that a puma will not attack a human being unless it is cornered(adj.被困得走投无路的). The search proved difficult, for the puma was often observed at one place in the morning and at another place twenty miles away in the evening. Wherever it went, it left behind it a trail of dead deer and small animals like rabbits. Paw prints were seen in a number of places and puma fur was found


2018年一级造价工程师《造价管理》真题及答案(完整版) 一、单项选择题(共60题,每题1分。每题的备选项中,只有1个最符合题意) 1、下列工程计价文件中,由施工承包单位编制的是()。 A. 工程概算文件 B. 施工图结算文件 C. 工程结算文件 D. 竣工决算文件 2、下列工作中,属于工程发承包阶段造价管理工作内容的是()。 A. 处理工程变更 B. 审核工程概算 C. 进行工程计量 D. 编制工程量清单 3、根据《工程造价咨询企业管理力法》,工程造价咨询企业资质有效期为()年。 A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5 4、根据《工程造价咨询企业管理办法》,乙级工程造价咨询企业中专职从事工程造价专业工作的人员不应少于()人。 A. 6 B. 8 C. 10 D. 12 5、美国工程造价估算中,材料费和机械使用费估算的基础是()。 A. 现行市场行情或市场租赁价

B. 联邦政府公布的上月信息价 C. 现行材料及设备供应商报价 D. 预计项目实施时的市场价 6. 根据《建设工程质量管理条例》在正常使用条件下,给排水管道工程的最低保修期限为()年 A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 5 7. 根据《招标投标法实施条例》,依法必须进行招标的项目可以不进行招标的情形是()。 A. 受自然环境限制只有少量潜在投标人 B. 需要釆用不可替代的专利或者专有技术 C. 招标费用占项目合同金额的比例过大 D. 因技术复杂只有少量潜在投标人 8. 根据《招标投标法实施条例》,投标人认为招投标活动不符合法律法规规定的,可以自知道或应当知道之日起()日内向行政监督部门投诉。 A. 10 B. 15 C. 20 D. 30 9. 根据《合同法》与无权代理人签订合同的相对人可以催告被代理人在()个月内予追认。 A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 6 10. 根据《合同法》,当事人既约定违约金,又约定定金的,一方违约时,对方的正确处理方式




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